Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Flora & Fauna of Costa Rica

Two Toed Sloth: We saw this sloth in a tree on the side of the road. We learned that the sloth stays in the tree only to come down to deficate. Some sloths will turn green with algae from a lack of moving off of the tree.

Dolphins: A pod of dolphins followed our boat.

Iguanas: We were so excited the first day to see an iguana. We soon found out that iguanas are very common around houses, parks, and the buildings. Iguanas eat vegetation and moths that like to spend time in Hibiscus flowers. We nicknamed them the "squirrels" of Costa Rica!

Owl Butterfly: This butterfly is camouflaged as an owl to protect itself from predators.

Sea Urchins: Spiny sea urchins washed up on our black sand beach.

Kapok Tree: Vines grow up the Kapok tree.

Elephant's Ear plant: The large leaves are also known as the poor man's umbrella.

Monkey Tail Fern: This fern got its name because it looks like a monkey's tail.

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