Saturday, June 5, 2010

2nd Grade student questions

The second graders from the multi-age wanted to know this about the rain forest of Costa Rica:
1. Will you see any snakes? (If so, please do not touch them Mrs. Toetz:)
2. How many kinds of frogs does the rain forest have?
3. Why do the layers of the rain forest have different kinds of plants and animals?
4. Is the rain forest of Costa Rica being cut down?
5. How tall are the trees?
6. Will there be different kinds of monkeys?
7. What does the rain forest sound like?
8. What does the rain forest smell like?
9. Does it rain in the forest all of the time? How much rain does the forest get?

1 comment:

  1. I e-mailed Matt yesterday and he said that you arrived safely and were having a great time. I was happy to hear that you were safely there. It is a rainy morning here so I hope you are having sunny beach-type weather! We will all be anxious to hear of your adventures.

