Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Elementary School in Costa Rica

We had the opportunity to visit an elementary school in Liberia, Costa Rica. We actually brought them some supplies they needed and some treats for the kids. They have 170 kids in their school with several open air cement block classrooms. We noticed a lack of quality materials, like a need for classroom books and desks. The students were very respectful listeners to their teachers, however they had the same universal goofy elementary kid behaviors. They teach half day sessions with about 15-20 students per class. The teachers work 7:00-4:40 and have 2 groups back to back. We noticed they have an intervention time included in their schedule for students that have special needs. They actually send home the students that don't need any extra help and keep the others. Students ate lunch and had recess while we were there. They had one soccer ball as their recess equipment. It was a very humbling experience.

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