This is a termite nest we saw entering into Palo Verde National Park. Nests are very common in many of the trees throughout Costa Rica.

These are fairly small bats. They hang in a line to camouflage themselves from predators.

This crocodile is coming near our boat because he could smell the raw chicken we were about to feed it. The crocodile moved slowly and cautiously through the water. The water appears brown but is not polluted, the bottom is muddy.

Crocodiles would never live in a polluted river. The chicken was quickly eaten by those sharp teeth!

The white faced monkey is seen all over Costa Rica although we had trouble spotting them, other than in the Palo Verde National Park.

The monkeys were not shy about coming up to our boat, opening our fists, and taking the bananas out to eat. They peeled the bananas before they ate them!
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